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    1. 臺灣標準電機SEW儀器儀表--895 PR Phase Sequence Indicator Safety Phase Rotation Detector
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      895 PR   Phase Sequence Indicator  
      Safety Phase Rotation Detector  
      895 PR
       Non-contact detector clips. No metal contact points to promote greater safety.
       Dual functions : Open phase and phase sequence detection.
       Designed for checking a wider range of 3-phase power source from 75V to 1000Vac.
       Detects frequency range from 45 to 65 Hz.
       LED display lights with buzzer indicator.
       Brightness button feature for better visibility in dimly lit areas or sunlight.
       Magnetic mounting feature.
       Safety is always a priority in electgrical work environments. With its non-contact clip design, the 895 PR has been designed to ensure greater safety for its users. It eliminates any electgrical or short circuit accidents caused by accidental contact between two metal points.
      特 點
      1. 895 PR是非接觸式量測的檢相計,它藉由LED的顯示和蜂鳴器的聲音,來查驗三相交流
      2. 具有檢測欠相和相序的雙重功能。
      3. 自動關(guān)機功能(約五分鐘)。
      4. 鱷魚夾上有顏色貼紙區(qū)分,由於採用不接觸裸銅檢測,只要將鱷魚夾夾住電源線外部
      5. 具有C亮設(shè)計,可在強光下或昏暗處辨識檢測狀況。
      6. 儀表背面附有四顆強力磁鐵,可懸掛於配電箱外殼,方便操作人員使用。
      7. 應用電壓及頻率寬廣,分別為75V~1000V 交流電壓 45~65Hz。
      CATⅢ 1000V/CATⅣ 600V
      規(guī) 格

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